Monday, October 26, 2015

Festivalul mărului (Apple Fest)!

I finally made it to the Apple Festival this year in Soroca! YAY! It was awesome! Villages from all over Moldova set up places and just offer free food and drinks to people! This is Vasilcău, my village. They won for the best looking place! 

My look says it all...i was very VERY excited to get to eat a chocolate covered apple (they don't know about caramel covered apples unfortunately)! There's also "American apple pie" on my plate, made from the USAid booth. It was a little disappointing though cuz it was more like apple cake than pie. Why the disappointment? Because it was made by Americans, presented to Moldovans as one of the most American things ever, and it wasn't even pie. But wutevz, it was still goodish. The chocolate & nut covered apple was super delicious, so it made up for the disappointment of the apple "pie".

Left to right: me, Kirsten, Chelsea. Kirsten and Chelsea came up for the festival. :o]

The festival was surrounding the fortress. There were a lot of different types of entertainment, including this band.

I love this. Performance Wear showcase used for apple festival goodness. It's funny cuz the Moldovans utilizing the showcase has no idea what it says or what it's original intent was. But, you can't go wrong with "reduce, reuse, recycle"! :o]

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