Monday, June 27, 2016

Last Bell! :oD

May 31st was the last day of school, aka "Last Bell". Similar to First Bell (1st day of school) it is a day of celebration, speeches (by staff, students, the local priest, mayor, etc.), songs, etc. 

Below is the 9th grade graduating class.

Here is the 1st grade class (youngest in the school).

After all the speeches and diplomas, the 9th graders walk around encircled by all the other classes.

Then they release their balloons into the air.

Left-to-right: me, Natalia (my main partner teacher), Iuliana (the director), a dude i don't know ;op, and the priest.

This is my FAVORITE student, Grigore. He was in my 6th grade class.

This is Marin. He was the first student to befriend me outside of class. He's a sweetie.

Me with some of the cleaning crew (who were super cool ladies).

As with most (all?) school celebrations, flowers are essential.

My speech that Mama-G helped me write.
Dear Teachers and dear students,
It has already been 2 years! I think it has gone by very quickly. Thank you for your collaboration and for allowing me to teach health education. It has been a great honor for me to work with my parteners, Mrs. Natalia and Mrs. Elena, and with all of my dear students. Thank you for your hospitality, patience, and kindness towards me. Everyone here, including Mrs. Iuliana, Mrs. Valentina, Mrs. Nina, and all the teachers and staff, and of course, every student, has become a part of my heart, with memories i will have for my whole life. I have beautiful memories from Vasilcău, and from all of Moldova. If i said something wrong or incorrectly, excuse me, but i want everyone to always have beautiful memories. I wish everyone health and success in everything! I hope to return again. Thank you beautifully!

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