On Christmas Eve, some fellow PCVs and i rented an apt. and made a "traditional" Christmas meal with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (Rosie's mom sent from 'Merica), dressing (also sent from the Homeland), and rotisserie chicken. It was delicious!
Me, Nate, & Rosie.
Nate, Rosie, and Scott.
The next day, on actual Christmas, we had more people over and made Mexican food. 4 people got stuck in the elevator for an hour with half the food! We had to call the apt. lady who called the repair guy who came and fixed it.
While we were waiting for the rest of the food, we ate guac & chips (avocados are expensive here, so it was a nice treat)!
Nate took the above photo, but i didn't want to leave him out! He's trying to make my hair into a fro (as can be seen in the 1st photo), but i had washed it that day, so no fro, yo. I was pushing him away cuz my hair only stays clean for like 12 hrs and i didn't want him messing it up!...Get back to your hookah and leave me alone! ;op

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