Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day

I totally forgot today was Pi Day until I saw an article about it on NPR. (If you haven't heard of Pi Day, you should read the article. There are also some yummy looking pie recipes.)

Since my avocado tree is bursting with ripe fruit, I decided to make an avocado pie. I went with this recipe:

However, since I am in rural Malawi, I had to make a few substitutions. I decided to substitute an egg for the yogurt since they don't sell yogurt in my village. Then I substituted bread for the graham crackers. And I left out the condensed milk, even though I have a can here at my house (they sell it in my village trading post). I also had to substitute a frying pan for the pie tin, and a hot plate for the refrigerator.

My modified ingredients:

Okay, so basically my Pi Day treat was a fried egg and avocado sandwich. Which isn't quite the same thing, but it was pretty good anyhow.

Happy Pi Day, everyone! Eat an extra slice of real pie for me : )

1 comment:

  1. MMMMMMMMM....avocado...
    MMMMMMMMM....avocado pie...
    we're totally making avocado pie when we get home!!!
