Monday, October 20, 2014

Lunch with my Fellow PCVs

I have been spending a lot of time in the village. Then yesterday I had the opportunity to meet up with some local PCVs for lunch so away I went.

I took a mini-bus and then did a little walking to get there. It was kind of warm, but a lot of it was in the shade. Isn't the view lovely here in Mulanje?

For lunch I had pizza and Coke at a restaurant, and it was delicious. I was not a big soda drinker in the U.S., but anytime I have the opportunity for one here I jump on it. I don't know if it is because it is cold or because my only beverage is water most of the time, or just because it is something familiar from home, but I really love Coca Cola now. (Side note-- you only see Coke, Fanta and maybe an occasional Sprite here. So the Pepsi lovers lose out.)

They had vanilla ice cream too, but I was too full. Maybe next time. But I did have room for a bit of PCV homemade chocolate banana bread. It was gooey and chocolately and wonderful.

One of the volunteers I met is moving, so she gave a few things away. I am now the proud owner of some cocoa powder, baking powder and condensed milk. With the wheat flour I got at the trading post, I see some baking in my future. On a rainy day. Literally. Otherwise it is way to hot to even think of baking anything.

Good food and good people. Another lovely day in Malawi.

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