This year I started a health club with one of my teaching partners and about 15 7th and 8th graders. For their 1st project i asked them if they wanted to organize a Halloween party for the school, and they responded with an immediate "DA!" (YES). Now, this may not seem like a health related topic, but i assure you it is. The great thing about teaching the subject of "health" is that pretty much everything falls under it, because we not only teach about physical health (nutrition, exercise, diseases, puberty, hygiene, etc.), but we also teach about mental and social health as well...which opens up the door to pretty much everything. :o]
They only had about 1 month to prepare, and this is what they came up with (I was pretty impressed).
This is my favorite jack-o-lantern...i love how they turned the top upside down!
I'm not quite sure what the red blotch is supposed to be on this poster...blood?...from what, i don't know, but the rest of it is cute. ;o]
I love these accordion paper pumpkins they created!
The party, like all other school events, took place in the hallway.
This was a donation box they made for future projects. They received over 60 MDL (about $3), which they were very excited about!
They did face painting at the entrance to the hallway. They really did a great job at face painting!
Apparently Moldova doesn't have actual face paint or costume makeup, so they literally paint actual paint on their faces (including lips).
Final results:
My favorite part was their costumes. They reminded me of when i was a kid, when we had to get creative making our own costumes...before those Halloween mega stores were around, which pretty much sell super cheap, overly slutty costumes. It was nice to see some creativity.
Here's Julia, the Vice President of the club, explaining the agenda of the party.
So, at every event i've been to at my school, musical chairs ALWAYS happens. When we were preparing for this party, i tried to switch it up a bit and offer more Halloween-specific ideas, like the mummy wrap, which they said they were going to do, and they even bought the toilet paper to do it...but, alas, the power of musical chairs took over.
They had other activities planned as well...but the only one that actually happened, was musical chairs. Then everyone just wanted the ubiquitous dance party...happens every time. They're so serious about dance here, about a dozen girls even busted out a choreographed was like straight out of a movie that suddenly bursts out in song and dance...but for was a bit surreal.
Here's our club. Not everyone is there, but these are the more dedicated members. I'm on the left, if you couldn't tell from my "costume" ;op (yes, they painted my lips black too). I wore a sweatshirt with the symbol that's on the Moldovan flag and told everyone i was Moldovan for Halloween. They liked it.