Thursday, November 6, 2014

Elevii teach class!

Vacanță de toamnă is from Monday - Wednesday, so since I only had half of my classes that week, my clasa 9 homework assignment for that short week was that they were to teach the class. I was just hoping that at least 1 student prepared something, but they were actually pretty excited about it and i was impressed by the work they put into it (especially on their school break!)!

Above is Victor. He definitely put the most time and effort into his teaching. He drew and color-coded a skull and labeled all the parts. He even included classroom participation by handing out the labels and their functions separately so that the class had to guess where they belonged on the skull. I was flattered that he did that cuz that's exactly what i did for their digestive system class! It made me feel like they hopefully enjoy my classes and have fun with the activities and learn at least something :o] Thanks Victor! It was awesome!!!

I hung his cool diagram on the wall next to the digestive system diagram.

Next up was Victoria. She taught a lesson on ochii (eyes). She came prepared with detailed print outs of eye diagrams, which was also pretty cool...sorry, no pictures of that though. Thanks Victoria!

Tatiana was next. She taught about the nutrition of "favorite foods". Thanks Tatiana!

Finally Adriana and Mihaela taught about exerciții fizice (exercise). Thanks!

Overall, it ended up being a better idea than i originally thought to have them teach the class! I'm glad it worked out so great!

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